Help for English



kdyby se našla nějaký dobrák co by se mi podívala na sloh, nebo jen někdo kdo se nudí :D a opravil mi nějaký chyby ve slohu tak bych byl rád.

My favorite place

My favourite place is near ti a village where I live, Červená Voda. This special place is a small hill, which i can see from my window.
It is such a naice, green hill with view-tower on it. This is one of reasons why I like it. If you stay on the top, you will see whole beautiful region of Králícká brázda. Another thing which templt me to it are memories. I have plenty of stories fromm this hill. I tell you at least one of them.
It was beautiful Saturday morning, birds were singing and the sun was shining – comon March weather and goup of young men decided to play airsoft. They went off to the hill. How they got higher and higher weather was cooler and cooler. Suddenly there were snow everywhere, so the stopped playing airsoft and started to threw snowballs at each other …

Reply to insertion
Hello John,
I have read your insertion on noticeboard.
I would like to buy your pair of inline skates, but
before I buy them, I would like to know size and color. Other important thing is, that I want to try them, so we should make appointment. I am able to meet you this Monday at 5 p.m at our schol. Anyway, I am looking forward to get e-mail from you.
Marek Mach

Děkuji za ochotu.

place is near THE village where I live
such a NICE green hill
one of THE reasons
see THE whole
Another thing which tepmlt me to it are memories – tahle věta je celá nějaká divná a ani nevím, co tím myslíš
FROM this hill
AS they got higher and higher, the weather was cooler and cooler
there WAS snow
so THEY stopped
insertion – nevím, jestli je to ten správný výraz
on THE noticeboard
THE size and THE color (favourite máš BrE spelling, color AmE)
ANOTHER important thing is
I CAN meet you zní přirozeněji
IN our school
looking forward to GETTING AN e-mail

Určitě se tam ještě něco najde a ne u všeho jsem si jistý (obzvláště členy), takže nezaručuji správnost. Raději počkej na vyjádření někoho dalšího.

ok :D děkuju – Another thing which tepmlt me to it are memories – tam je chyba má tam být tempt – lákat, táhnout k

Nevím, to tempt to sth se mi nějak nelíbí, ale nenapadá mě nic lepšího. A když už bych to tedy psal, tak: Another thing which tepmts me to it is memories.


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