Help for English

The Animals


Hello everyone, let's talk about the animals and how we can safe them from cruelty world wide :-)

Do you monitor the situation with white rhinos in Africa ? They were brought back (from ZOO Dvur Kralove nad Labem) to their home in 2009 as last chance to safe this species helping them to start reproduction in their original environment. But critical situation is with thousands of other – lowland gorillas for instance … Only the developed world is guilty !

I am a big animal lover and I hate the way man treat with them in general. Animals ( especially the farm ones) are maltreated, exploited and abused, existing in unsuitable surroundings.
Some people can really be very cruel towards animals and they are not often punished for it at all.
I support organizations for animal protection such as Peta, etc. I think that one of the most important things is enlightenment. Animals are live beings who experience pain and one should bear it in mind.


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