Help for English

How do you learn English?


How dou you learn? What study-system do you have?
Your experiences could be interesting for many students, I think.
For example – I don´t know HOW to learn languages. I have a lot of textbooks – grammar, vocabulary, phrasal verbs, exercises… but no system. And it is difficult to learn something without system.
And what about you?

Hi there! You don't need some kind of a system, I think. At first you just need to want! I'll tell you how I do learn English or German. Intensity of study is the most important thing! If you have a bit of time, just study. It doesn't matter if you are in a bus or in a bed or a you are just having a break in work… Take some book or listen to some english-audio or go on-line for this e.g. site, look after some person who is also learning foreign language and speak to him, watch some movies with English/German stream with th subtitles on… I have an advantage ‚cause I speak very much English/German in work with the English/German speaking people on the other side of line. Just give time to English/German as much as you can… Speak, listen, read as much as you can. That‘s all. That's my way to learn languages. I made such a big progress only in 4 months just because I really want to know speak English.

I'm not sure if my experience will be of any help…Nowadays I „study“ english in a similar way: much reading, listening, some talking, little grammar. Yet I think grammar is more important at the beginning, but I had several years in school for that.
When it comes to a system, regularity is essential. My recommendation is: pick some textbook or learning material and devote some time (even if it should be just 15 minutes) every day to continue in it. One is surprised, how much is achieved with this regularity in a week or month.
Don't forget the reading and watching, so that all you learn of grammar and vocabulary could „nest“ in your head, as you see it in use.
And the most important rule: Don't give up and be patient. Learning of a new language is not a matter of months, it takes years.

So it is very interesting what you have written here. This time I start learnt English again, because I will need it in my next work. And I think too, that the most important thing is 15 min per EVERY day.
I´m sorry for my failures, I´m sure that there are some.

One of super cool things on this web is that no one will scorn you because of your grammar errors. I don't even apologize for them :oops:

I think that English have to learn every day at least 10 minutes.
I learn English five years. And now I am starting practise a new method. It´s not mine, it say my new teacher, who teache English 10 years and she speaks very well. In the English, I make a big progress, I hope.I hope too that I will speak continuously for 2 years.What method do you use?

One week ago I started learn english language again. Iam listening english radio city every day instead slovak radio and Iam watching a lot of serials in english, for example friday night dinner, the big bang theory etc. And yesterday I bought two books by oxford bookworms. Its the best way to learn english, I think. I read it every day, loudly for myself only.

listening listening listening listening, thats the key..)

reading reading reading reading as well…

I found mistake in my post that I´ve post before those. „Iam listening english radio city every day instead slovak“ This is wrong. It should be „I listen english radio city every day instead slovak“. Am I right? 8-)

Well, to make Alfons and Geo' triumvirate complete, I must add speaking, speaking and speaking. No matter who you talk to, just do that. You can even talk to yourself in the worst case. To be honest, I should focus on grammar a bit more since I have sort of neglected this area of English recently but a few of us are interested in the most boring part of learning I guess :-)
I would also like to point out that new possibility of well-known Tv series purchase at the homepage. The only problem is to decide which one I should get first :-) Anyway, good luck with learning to everybody!

Amen :-)

Well, these days, learning English has turned into this pretty-enjoyable-from-time-to-time thing. Some series-watching, a little bit of reading every so often, a pinch of speaking with friends for that matter is what I do. See, this is what I have always longed for, so I am pretty satisfied with my English being this way. Right I know, there is still a lot to know, but this isn't bad, anyway.
So now, my language interest is drawing its attention to Germany. Not doing bad there, either :-).

Anyways, I have made it just because of you, HFE. A mountain of thanks coming your way.

I think that it is importent writing some emails with pen friends every day or use Facebook for everyday comunication. It is not big problem to find some foreigners pen friends. I have pen friends from Asia because Europe is diferent and interesting for people from Asia and they will like changing emails with you. It is my way:)



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