Help for English

Conversation in Brno


Anyone interested in such a thing?

somebody for conversation in Brno?

Fakt nikdo? Se tady nikdo nechce zlepšit v AJ?

We all improve our English, but Brno is far for many people. It is true of me too. I am sorry.

See I didn't think that someone from Olomouc, Prostejov, let alone Prague, would travel to Brno to have some sort of chic chat. But still there's about 500 thousand people there so I thought someone would be at least a bit tempted.

I did understand it. :-) I wish you a man for English speaking.

I want! But I can´t translate firts question :D And certaintly are mistakes in those sentences :D Here too and here too :D I am bad in English and I want be better and better! :)

not anyone?

I´m here for conversation and I want to improve my English :-) So.. Do you have any topic to talk??

Well, to tell the truth we haven't met so far. A couple of people, literally, have responded to my request, but there hasn't been a meeting so far. Because they don't seem to care anymore.
We'll see if it will work out in the foreseeable future in any way.
Anyway, Karotka, what's your estimated English level?

Check out a group on Facebook called „English in Brno – Angličtina v Brně“. There are meetings held almost every week on various days…

I know about that. I have been there a couple of times. :-)


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