Help for English

Nevite kam se vydat ucit anglictinu - pobyt se slevou az 75 %!!



dlouho jsem na techto strankach nebyla a tak doufam, ze tutu informaci neopakuji. Hodne z Vas urcite premysli kam se vydat studovat anglictinu a ma strach nebo nedostatek financi jet do Ameriky nebo Kanady. Pokud je vase znalost anglictiny na nizsi urovni tak vrele doporucuji jet do Danska. Asi si ted rikate proc do Danska? Je to podstatne bliz a hlavne, danska vlada nabizi studijni stipendia, takze 24 tydnu vcetne ubytovani a stravy Vas vyjde na neuveritelnych 1090 EUR!

Ted neco o skole. neni to jazykova skola, ale vyuka probiha vyhradne v anglictine. Je to mezinarovni skola a je tam hodne studentu z Japonska a ruznych zemi Evropy. Neznamkuje se a nejsou zadne zkousky, skola je na principu sdileni informaci (nejlepe se ucime od jineho cloveka). Kazdy student si musi vybrat minimum cca 20 hodin tyden (ale vyber je velky – od hodin anglictiny na ruznych urovni, pres zpev, fotografovani, telocvik, management, atd…).

Bydleni je zajisteno primo v arealu skoly a je moznost samostatneho pokoje nebo se sdili (max. dva studenti).Jidlo (3× denne) je tez zajisteno. minimalni vek studentu je 18 let, maximalni neni – kdyz jsem tam byla ja tak jsme meli i studenty pres 60 let a zapadli perfektne.

Myslim si, ze toto je idealni prilezitost jak se naucit (procvicit) anglictinu, protoze se musi pouzivat na denni bazi. Musim tez dodat, ze vzhledem ke stipendiu je tam hodne Cechu, Slovaku a Polaku ale to uz je na kazdem jestli si radsi bude hledat za kamarady lidi ze stejne zeme nebo ne. Spis to beru jako vyhodu ze zacatecnici maji nekoho o koho se muzou oprit. Pokud je vase uroven anglictiny na urovni CAE a vyse, nepocitala bych ze se moc zlepsite, ale jak jsem psala, zalezi kolik tam bude lidi na stejne urovni nebo z USA a Kanady.

Pokud mate nejake dalsi dotazy, piste. Rada bych sem vlozila telefon na Lucku, ktera ma na starost Ceskou Repuliku, ale nevim jestli je to mozne. Napisu ho az dostanu svoleni od Marka. Zatim vkladam informace

The International People’s College (IPC) is a unique Danish folkehøjskole (non-formal residential school for adults) with an international, cross-cultural focus. You can live and study with students and staff from around 35 different countries each term.

The International People’s College was founded in 1921 – in the ashes of World War I – to enable its students to promote international understanding and world peace. Since then, people over the age of 18 from all continents and cultures have had the opportunity to become global citizens while living and studying under the same roof in Helsingør, Denmark.

• IPC is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that is financially supported by the Danish state
• Living together with other students, teachers and staff members is just as important as attending classes
• English is the official communication language at IPC
• There are no exams, no grades and no degrees
• At IPC we believe in the importance of positive motivation, joy of learning, creativity, cooperation and fun
• There are many routines and regular activities at IPC – morning fellowship with news and singing, Saturday cultural evenings, housekeeping, life stories sessions in small groups, performance nights, excursions, feature days and other
• It takes 10 minutes to reach downtown Helsingør, 15 minutes to the beach, 20 minutes to the forest, 25 minutes by ferry to Sweden and 35 minutes by train from Helsingør to the Danish capital Copenhagen
• IPC is NOT a language school, NOT a university, NOT a camp, NOT a part-time course. Coming to IPC is a unique and indescribable educational and personal experience

Global Perspectives:
Global challenges line – Globalization, economic and political trends, crises and future scenarios
Current affairs – Digest of recent world events
Peace and conflict studies – Non-violence and conflict management
World cinema – Movie industry worldwide
Democracy & active global citizenship – Diversity, worldwide dialogue and surrounding concepts
World religions – Developing religious sensitivity
Regional Studies:
Africa, European Culture, Asia, Latin America,
Middle East, USA, Danish history and culture, Contemporary Denmark
Personal and Professional Skills:
Development management line – Organizational and project management, communication skills
Environmental studies – Nature and human influence, sustainable global development
Effective teamwork – Discovering personal and group strengths and putting them to work
Facilitation – The art of making people speak out
Intercultural studies – Finding your way into different cultures and understanding them
Media and journalism – Current trends in media
Computer science – Networks, databases, forms and programming the web
Photography – Improving your digital photos
Sports – Physical challenges and a lot of fun
Music and Creativity:
Bandplaying – Group practice and performance
Choir – Singing in harmony with a mixed choir
Self-expression – Painting, drawing, ceramics etc.
African drum and dance – High pace and rhythm
Drama – Physical, emotional and verbal expression
Movie making – Script writing, video recording, editing and creative manipulation
Spiritual development – Body, mind and spirit in balance
Danish – Danish language for foreigners
English – English teaching at several levels

You can choose to join a spring (12 or 24 weeks) or an autumn term (18 weeks) or come for a year.
Grants reducing the regular price by about 75% are available for applicants from the 12 newest EU member states, e.g. 24 weeks for 1090 EUR.
Prices include tuition fee, accommodation, meals, some excursions and an unforgettable experience

:-) Dost dobry :-D


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