Help for English

Correct forms of the verbs.


I went to the airport but I didn´t find her.

Hadn´t she told you where to meet her?
Yes, she had but I´d forgotten what she said.

Did you go to the bank at lunch time?

Yes, I was going to the bank but I didn´t get any money.

When I got there, I remembered that I had left my bank card on the table.

Prosím o zkontrolování sloves, jestli je mám v dobrém tvaru. Děkuji:) **** **** **** **

Tj tezko takhle urcovat bez kontextu co je spatne a dobre, pokud je to jen takto bez kontextu tak:
HASN'T she told you where to meet her? nebo Didn't she tell you… – neni duvod pro predminuly cas
Yes, she did, but I forgot/have forgotten what she (had) said.
Yes, I went to the bank… – do te banky jsem sla a dosla tam

Kdyztak me nekdo opravte/doplnte.

Je na výběr:
Hadn´t she told you/Wasn´t she telling you where to meet her?
Yes, she was/had but I´d forgotten…

a to je ten „kontext“ ktery zminuju, tzn. mas to dobre

A můžu ještě jednu prosbičku? :D

Věta: Hemingway(send)to Italy where he(work) as an ambulance driver.

-Má se doplnit minulý čas
Já to napsala takhle:
Hemingway sent to Italy where he was working as an ambulance driver.

Asi to nebude dobře,co?

Hemingway was sent to Italy where he worked as an ambulance driver.

Děkuji mockrát :-)

Byl jsem dotázán na vánoční přání. Než ho ale vyslovím a odešlu, prosím o korekci. „I wish the greediiness with the good shake hands“

Co chcete říct česky? :shock:

greediness – chamtivost
generosity – štědrost


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