Help for English

How many English words do you know?

Take the test and mark all the words you know. Do not check those you know you've seen somewhere, but don't know their meaning now. Also you may encounter an easy word like weasel, but if you don't know whether it's lasička or kuna, then don't mark it. After you've taken the test, you're going to get an estimate on how many words you know. It's pretty much faster than going through the whole dictionary of yours. Quick and quick-ly don't count as seperate words, but it also doesn't count all the idioms you know etc. If you don't know a certain word, then look it up, but don't check it afterwards.

My score is: 12800 words (But, remember it's only an estimation of my vocabulary, so I would tell between 11k and 13k is about right.) Now it's your turn and please do not cheat, cause where's the fun in it? I've personally taken the test several times to make an average of my vocab. Good luck


Most Native English adult speakers who have taken the test fall in the range 20,000–35,000 words. And for foreign learners of English, we've found that the most common vocabulary size is from 2,500–9,000 words

Though I skipped quite a lot of words, so I thought I would mess up a bit more, I got a number of 15,900 words. Pretty satisfied since I don't learn any new vocabulary on a daily basis.

On a grammatical note of my respond, could „Though I skipped quite a lot of words“ and „I got a number of 15,900 words“ be in the present perfect? I believe so, but not sure completely.

Nice one. :-) I've taken the test again and I've got 14900 words. Kind of weird knowing that I just had some sleep and haven't learned much more words. :-)

About your grammar question: I don't know. Don't you mean present perfect?

But it's still a long long way to Tipperary ( I mean it's a long way to achieve a vocab of a native speaker- sometimes I feel stuck, because like you've said: I also don't learn any new words on my daily basis) :-(

EDIT: Seriously I don't know how it works, but I went and took the test twice more and didn't exceed the number of 12000. But I guess 11k+ is a great score anyway. People (incl. me) tend to exaggerate at parties, but I'll be sober and like I said before. There's still a long way ahead. 8-)

Of course there should have been the present perfect. I am at a lecture, so I got a little distracted.
Anyway, I think that knowing thousands of words doesn't necessarily mean having perfect English. Besides, there so many words that are so difficult to stumble upon… Like in that test, mainly in the last part, there were quite a lot words I have never encountered before, most of them being extra formal.

I mean, I can do in English what I have always wanted, so pretty satisfied there.
Instead of learning hundreds of words I am not going to hear in my whole life, much less actively use, I am gradually turning my attention to another language, in my case probably Germany.

Right. I also want to learn a few more languages, but I don't want to end up being jack of all trades and master of none. So I want to know at least 10000 words in each of them. But because English was my first L2, I want to get as deep as possible. Of course, there's no point in knowing 40k words, because it's pretty snobby :-D

My score – 12,500 but I guess I've overestimated myself little bit :-) More conservative estimation would be 10 – 11k. Still, it's just a passive vocabulary, It would be much worse if it came to active one :-)
Thanx for the link, anyway.

Thanks, too. I got 10,500, which is a number similar to my earlier try in some other test.

Honyk: You're welcome. I have personally sent the link to my former teacher this very morning and I'm awaiting her feedback. :-)

Geo: That's some decent score :)

I felt a little bit down when I compared it to yours and Battlefield's…but English is not about competition, is it? I've got some motivation at least…

:-) It's like me saying I feel a bit disappointed too, because there are people like Marek Vít and Roman Svozilek and definitely many more knowing just so much more. I guess I've got some motivation at least…

I took it three times and scored between 9,500 and 11,000. However, I have doubts about the reliability of the test. You see, there are a few advanced words, that are not actually so advanced for me and I'm sure a lot of other people. I'm now talking about these: tandem, mammon, visage. These were points for free because I know their meaning in Czech and they happen to mean the same thing in English too. Also, all the words are always the same, no matter how many times you take the test, which means that the chance plays its role in it too.

Speaking of words you know sort of automatically, it's the same for everyone. All European languages have a lot of similarities, therefore everyone gets a couple of free words. However, as for Asian languages and other non-European, yes, they might as well be a bit disadvantaged.

One the one hand, it's good when the words are much the same, because then it's easily reliable and comparable.
If they weren't the same,however, it would eliminate inaccuracies caused by pretty much the only random set of words, from which it's difficult to draw any valid conclusions.
So basically, either way has its ups and downs.


Those weren't points for free, because you've got to realize there are people out there who don't know these words. And the words are the same only according to your abilities. Just try to check only 3 words in the first part. The second won't have that bad words, because if you check only three or four words, you probably don't know more than 30, 40 words. I'm making up these numbers, but you'll understand. BTW. The goal of the test is to test your vocab. Of course you can check them all look them up and learn, but just because you'll learn in a day the rest of the words you didn't know doens't mean you know another 20 or 30 thousand words. Yes the reliability is in question. E.g. If you know only ten words and these words are somehow in the first part, it could make an estimate of 30 or 50 words even though you know only 10. But the higher the number, the more accurate the estimation. The website says: PLUS/MINUS 10%.

Battlefield: Yes and don't forget about the proper names. For example they sometimes don't count them as words, because of the similarity (Rusko, Russia, Russland), but if you take a Asian language f.e. Vietnamese. The word is Nga and so the Vietnamese people have to learn these names pretty same the way we do it with dog, cat etc.


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