Help for English

How many English words do you know?


The only thing I have unclear somehow so far is why are you still tryiing to fight with me. I just said my opinion willing to discusse about it but for whatever reason you took it personaly and started attacking me. As long as you are not willing to talk I am not willing to fight. I used those two as an example how could be your vocabulary influenced by some sort of books/movies/series and that is truth, but those were just EXAMPLES and nothing more. Beside of that I do not expect anyone to watch only HP to improve their english.
Especialy when you bear in mind that statisticaly netive speakers with high school education have their vocabulary size about 12000 words and those with university education about 5000 more. I do not want to underestimate anyone but if most contributors here exceeded lower threshold for native speakers it should realy ring the bell. And please, no quarrel this time.

Like I wanted to argue in the first place :-)
This one seems to be more reliable than the first one.

Yes, I'd say that one is much more reliable. This time I tried to be very particular about my answers as I wanted to get as much accurate score as possible and I think the „software“ has estimated my vocabulary level quite precisely (10,300 words).

It took more time than the first one, though so I think for quick estimation (+/- 10%) the first one can do, too.

to Honyk: I heard that!

I tried and got 9,200 words. As for the reliability, I think they both are similar. Just quick estimate.
And I don't think anybody wanted to fight smoofy, one just has to react…

If you call answering of 140 questions „quick“ :) I need to work on my vocabulary size as I achieved only 7800. Obviously,as I remembered before, the test is not very accurate also so my score should be much higher and yours much lower :).

Speaking of which, does anybody know any good flash card application that would work on Windows/LINUX/An­droid for learning words and other things? Compatibility with these platforms is crucial for me.

I have just taken the test; my score is 17,200. However, I doubt the accuracy of the test. Nevertheless it cerrainly contains some interesting vocabulary.…

Wow, this test is really super! I must practise more… :oops: Only 5 700. I am going to try it again. By the way – can you write some results? What is good? What is really bad? As I see in this discussion there are mostly excellent students!

There isn't anything like good and really bad. An average native speaker has a vocabulary of about 20,000 to 35,000 words depending on the level of their education. I'd say that your score is roughly equivalent to B1 level. Mind you, this is a test of your passive vocabulary only so it doesn't have any real meaning on its own.

Definitely, the test helped me to master such useful words as LEGERDEMAIN or RAIMENT :-)

I don't know how about you guys, but I would pretty darn interested in seeing Marek's and Roman's results. You know, to know how much further in terms of vocabulary they are.

Come on, guys. Don't be ashamed of showing off a little bit. You deserve it a great deal.

I'm waiting for it too :D It seems they have better things to do…

hi, just have sat the test and reached 19,100. The positive thing is that the test took just two minutes or thereabouts. I have also gone throught with a very similar result. (140 items to go through :).

Btw, what do you expect from those numbers we have reached? Do they represent our real knowledge or just refer to a limited passive vocabulary we use?

Does anybody here make his/her living by teaching English, lecturing, translating and all that? I don't. It is just my hobby and I am quite curious to know.

Here is another vocab test.
I did little bit worse than I'd expected but still quite o.k.

Takes about 15 mins
Recommended for B1+ level.


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