Help for English

Improvement in 14 days needed


I´m not sure, if I can judge that Battlefield…I´ve been describing pictures, watching Al Jazeera, reading English books, trying to learn some new vocab. I have tried to surround myself only with English…I´ve even stopped writing my master thesis in German. I´m trying to do my best, but who knows if that´ll be enough. The retake´ll be on the 17th February, so there´s still some time left. Thank you for asking, that´s kind of you.

I´m not so sure about some sentences, please can you have a look at that:

How would you express ´Toto je docela aktuální téma´- this is quite a current question :idea: and ´Odpověď na tuto otázku je pro mě jasná´ – The answer to this question is clear for me :idea:

Thanks a lot!

One more question, could you possibly tell how would you express the idiom – ´být jako bez ruky´ I haven´t manage to find it so far. Thank you for your help.

quite a hot issue – there could be another way to phrase that, but yours strikes me as Czenglish
clear TO me


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