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Nemůžu rozlušit jejich slova… Nejde mi je zachytit , prosím pomoze…

edit: opravil jsem par chyb. za ty zbyle se omlouvam :).

Your aunt's a very lucky woman Angelica.

She has two lives. She has the life she's leading and the book she is writing.

Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself.

Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself.

Sally, I think I'll buy the flowers myself.

Three different women…

This life is what I always wanted. I had an idea of our happiness.

…each living a lie.

I wish, for your sake, Leonard, I could be happy in this quietness.

Each putting someone else's life…

Good morning Mrs. Dalloway,


That is what we do. That is what people do. They stay alive for each other.

What about your own life?! Just wait till I die and you will have to think of yourself.

Mom? What's happening?

He gives me that look to say your life is so trivial.

It only matters if you think it's true.

My life has been stolen from me.

You have an obligation to your own sanity.

I am attended by doctors. Everywhere, I am attended by doctors who inform me of my own interests!

Baking the cake for daddy to show him that we love him.

Otherwise he won't know we love him?

That's right.

I don't know what's happening. I seem to be unraveling.

Come to bed Laura Brown.

I remember one morning, getting up at dawn… there was such a sense of possibility. And I remember thinking to myself – this is the beginning of happiness. I have lost those feelings forever.

Mommie, I love you.

Dont't worry honey, everything's fine. You're my guy.

Don't look life in the face to know it for what it is, to love it for what it is.

It is the right of evey human being.

She has the life she's leading, ALSO the book she is writing.
This life is what I'VE always wanted.
Just wait till I die, THEN you will have to think of yourself.
BUT it only matters if you think it's true.
BUT YOU KNOW you have an obligation to your own sanity.
TO look life in the face to know it for what it is, to love it for what it is.

Pár drobných oprav…


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