Help for English

Test gramatiky apod. #2


Zdravim. Nasel jsem dalsi otazky, kterymi si nejsem jisty.

Which of the following is NOT correct?
A – If she does well in her exams, she'll go to college
B – If I had worked harder, I would have passed my exams
C – If I had gone to university, I might have had a better job now
D – If I could understand his lectures, I'm sure I'd learn a lot from him.
Rekl bych C ale zde si nejsem vubec jisty

Which of the following is correct?
A – We needn't to meet again tomorrow – I can finish the job on my own
B – Most people hate have to do the ironing
C – You needn't have worried so much. We were quite safe
D – He had to forget all about the appointment
Pouze tipuji A

Which of the following is NOT correct?
A – Seven times five equals to thirty-five
B – Seven times five is equal to thirty-five
C – Seven times five is thirty-five
D – Seven times five equals thirty-five
Rekl bych D

Fill the correct prepositions: I saw him __ Oxford street __ friday afternoon and he told me he's still __ university
A – in, on, at
B – at, in, at
C – in, at, at
D – at, in, in
Rekl bych B

Which of the following is NOT correct?
A – Due to the fact that the weather was bad, the flight was cancelled
B – Airline pilots are on strike. As a result, flights have been cancelled
C – Airline pilots are on strike. From this reason, flights have been cancelled.
D – Because of the bad weather, flight was cancelled
Tady zase pouze tipuji A

Which of the following is correct?
A – to visit lectures
B – to be absent from classes
C – to make examinations
D – to graduate at university
Rekl bych C

Diky za vase navrhy, Tom

  1. D – if I understood
    1. A – needn't je bez to
    2. A – sloveso equel se nepojí s předložkou (pozor, ne tak to be equel to)
    3. A – in the street, on Friday afternoon, at university
    4. tady teda přímo bije do očí from this reason :-)
    5. přesně tak, take an exam
Na základě upozornění od george5 opravuji (a přiznávám se k nepozornosti)
u 6) je to samozřejmě B, které JE správně
u 1) navrhuje C, mně ale nesedí spíš to D…

Protože If I had gone to university, I might have had a better job now bych přeložila jako Kdybych býval šel na vysokou, byl bych teď měl lepší práci – ale protože jsem tam nešel, tak jí teď nemám.

Kdežto u D je spojení CAN+UNDERSTAND a přece neříkáme Can you understand?, ale Do you understand?

Aha, takže smíšený kondicionál… :-) Jasně. Tak v tom případě jednička C.

mnohokrat dekuji za rady. Chapu to tedy spravne, ze ve 2 otazce je spravne C, kdyz se needn't nepoji s to ?

presne tak


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