Help for English

speaking with beginner


hi, I´m Renata
Do you want write?

Hi,I am sorry I learn English only two months and I writte a lot of mistakes. I speak good German but I want speak English . Good night. I have a bedtime. I am tired. Writte me.

Hi :-)
My name is Renata. I must learn english language, because I next earth maturuju :oops: . Friends, help for me. Please please please

hello I am akvarista,I am beginer

hello my name is Nika.My English is not very good,but I would like praktice writing. :-)


Hello M13.Why M13?

Hi everyone. At first, sorry for mistakes in my english speech. Do you know effortless english? (…A few days ago I have started with this and I'm satisfied. I hope that effortless english helps me.

Hello. How are you? I speaking, writing and reading English very bad. I hope that it improve here with your hlep.


hallo everybody :-D

Hi everybody. I´m Karolína and I´m 17 years old. And my English… no comment :-D .

Hi everyone… how are you? Somebody to talk? Or to write emails?

Yes, of course. ;)

Hi, I have found this website today and I have to say, that it is great! I would like to write something with somebody in English. I think I cannot speak with a native speaker, so I hope, that someone will asks me. I need speak or write in English every day so that my English improves.
I am 25 years old. :-)


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