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Ahoj, do skoly se mame naucit public speaking a ja nasel a trosku opravil o stonehangu. Prossim o zkontrolovani, jestli je to možné. Jde mě hlavně o pořadí slov ve větách a hlavně člen the – tam se me zda ze to trochu hapruje. Na čárkách vůbec nesejde tento text se ucitelce do ruky nedostane, jen do uší:) Stonehenge Eight miles north of Salisbury is a large circle of stones, which is called Stonehenge. Nobody knows why it was built or what it was used for. Was it an ancient cemetery? There are many graves around the monument.Was it a kind of observatory, where astronomers studied the stars and the planets? Was it a place where witches and magicians offered human sacrifices to the gods? Or was it a temple, where the ancients Britons worshipped the Sun? The monument faces the point on the horizon where the sun rises on Midsummer´s Day.We will never know the real answer. Work started on Stonehenge around 1800 BC, but the monument, whose ruins you can see today, was built four hundred years later, around 1400 BC. The ruins stand in the centre of a huge circle 98m in diameter. The circle is formed by a bank and a ditch. The bank is now only 64 cm high, but it was probably much higher when it was built. The ditch is 2m deep. The ruins consist of two stone circles and two stone horseshoes. The stones in the outer circle are 5m high and 2m thick. These stones were joined by a continuous line of stones,which lay on the top of the verticals. But the most of these have fallen down.The stones in the inner circle are about 2m high. The outer horseshoe consists of five trilithons. The tallest of these is 9 m high. In the centre of the horseshoe there is a large stone, 5 m long, called the Altar Stone. ****

chtela bych zkontrolovat vety jestli je mam dobre myslim jako poradi a tak.

Na první přečtení to zní dobře, jen občas nějaká drobnost (jako např. ANCIENTS BRITONS). Dopodrobna vám to ale opravit nemůžu, den má jen 24 hodin.


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