Zkusila jsem si napsat takový krátký text a zajímalo by mne, jak mnoho chyb jsem nadělala.Prosím svoje příznivce, kteří mi tak krásně drží palce, aby mi na to mrkli a vynadali mi, jak to pletu.
The factory, when I work, is at the end of our town.
There's a street before our house. This street is long and it's got houses along one side only. There's stream at second side of one. I go every day through the street. I turn left and I come to a car park. The car park is small and there's usually few cars. I go around the car park and come at a main street. Many cars go here. I go across the street and then I go straight along houses, shops and a school. I come to a bus and a railway station. There's small park by bus station. I'm near the factory. I buy a newspaper in the newsagent's by the park and I go happily toward the factory. There's also a car park but it's large and there are cars and bicycles a lot. It is my way to work.
Já úkoly nedostávám, tak si je přiděluji sama. Akorát mě nikdo neznámkuje. Naštěstí. Ale procvičení s kritikou je dobré. Chybami se člověk učí. Děkuji za reakce.