Help for English

Favorite Christmas movies


What are your fav X-mas movies? Can you share?

Mine is You've got Mail (1998)´with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. Love it.

That's easy: Love Actually.

A Christmas Carol (2009)
+ List of Christmas films (Wikipedia)

The Ref (1994, Nezvaný host) ;-)

Home alone. I watch it every year :)

  • Christmas Vacation (1989) – a real Christmas classic
  • Merry Christmas Mr. Bean (1992) – this one never gets old

Love Actually (2003) – a great romantic film not on for Christmas but all the long year through. And of course Three Gifts for Cinderella (1973) – my favorite Czech fairy tale with the nicest princess.

After last Xmas I've got a new obsession, The Holiday.


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