Help for English

Hudební nástroje

Komentáře k článku: Hudební nástroje


(thu) Thumbs up! (thu) Velice užitečné shrnutí.

Asi to je trochu Off topic, ale neví někdo z místních hudebníků/anglič­tinářů proč se v anglických zemích ujalo aBcdefg zatímco ve střední Evropě cdefgaH? :-)

“In parts of Europe, including Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Norway, Denmark, Serbia, Croatia, Finland, Iceland and Sweden, the Gothic b transformed into the letter H (possibly for hart, German for hard, or just because the Gothic b resembled an H). Therefore, in German music notation, H is used in lieu of B♮ (B-natural), and B in lieu of B♭ (B-flat). Occasionally, music written in German for international use will use H for B-natural and Bb for B-flat (with a modern-script lowercase b instead of a flat sign). Since a Bes or B♭ in Northern Europe (i.e. a Bdouble flat elsewhere) is both rare and unorthodox (more likely to be expressed as Heses), it is generally clear what this notation means.”
(viz wikipedie)


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