Mám dotaz ohledně odstavce v Harry Potter 4:
On his desk stood what looked hike a large, cracked, glass
spinning top; Harry recognized it at once as a Sneakoscope, because he owned one
himself, though it was much smaller than Moody's. In the corner
on a small table stood an object that looked something like an extra-squiggly,
golden television aerial. It was humming slightly. What appeared to be a
mirror hung opposite Harry on the wall, but it was not reflecting the
room. Shadowy figures were moving around inside it, none of them clearly
in focus*
Vím, že zvýrazněné části jsou správně, protože jsou přímo z knihy, ale cosi se mi na nich nezdá a nevím co. Skoro bych řekl, že by to mělo být takto:
On the desk THERE stood what looked like …