Help for English

správné tvary slov


Dobrý den, chtěl bych se zeptat, zda jsem správně zvolil tyto tvary slov?

a.) Twenty years ago she said (to say) that her planned (plan) wedding would be paid (to pay) by her parents if they were lent (to lend) the needed (to need) money by their rich relatives. In the end, the wedding was not held (not to hold) at all. Didn’t you ask (not to ask) her why did you?

b.) although we have been working (to work) for this company five years so far, we have not got a promotion (not to get/ /to promote) yet. But having come (to come) to this place, we were welcomed (to welcome) by our new colleagues who offered (to offer) their help to us, didn’t they?

c.) That is the man who came (to come) last week one hour later than he had been expected (to expect), and without being allowed (to allow) to he took (to take) that newly bought (to buy) book and left (to leave)

děkuji moc

Bohužel mi nedá, abych hned na začátku a bez znalosti zdroje nepoznamenal, že z takového cvičení mám hrůzu, protože je to asi nejefektivnější způsob, jak studenty odradit. Chápu, že asi jde o cvičení znalostí trpného rodu, ale nikdo by totiž nic takového neřekl ani nenapsal :-(( . Ale přece:

a. Twenty years ago she said that her planned wedding would be paid for by her parents if they were lent the needed money ( :-(( ) by their rich relatives. In the end, the wedding was not held at all. You didn't ask her why, did you?

[Že by někdo plánoval svatbu (nebo financování svatby) 20 let dopředu? The wedding was not held at all zní divně v daném semantickém kontextu. Poslední věta zní divně: question tag (did you?) patří do stylu přímé řeči, ale předešlý text je ve stylu spíš formálnějším, vypravěčském. The needed money je přijatelné: čekal bych the money needed, nebo the necessary money – see the Ngram. Ale “needed” je v každém případě zbytečné. Kdo půjčuje nepotřebné peníze? Tolik (zbytečných) trpných rodů dohromady zní nepřirozeně.]

Twenty years ago she said that when she got married, her parents would pay for the wedding if their rich relatives lent them the money. In the end there was no wedding at all. Did you ask her why?

b. Although we have been working for this company five years (so far), we have not got a promotion yet. But having come to this place :-(( , we were welcomed by our new colleagues who offered their help to us, didn’t they? :-((

Although we've been working for this company for five years, we haven't been promoted yet. However when we arrived, our new colleagues gave us a warm welcome and lots of help.

c.) That is the man who came last week one hour later than he had been expected, and without being allowed to he took that newly bought book and left.

That's the man who arrived an hour late last week, took that new book without authorisation and left.

Uf! :-((


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