Help for English

Tady nemáš/nemáte co dělat.


Napadá mě pouze:

You shouldn't be here.

Tahle forma se mi ale zdá moc moc mírná, jde to anglicky říci ještě jinak, aby to znělo více direktivněji jako v češtině?

Třeba v kontextu: Děcka, běžte si hrát jinam, tady nemáte co dělat.

Díky za každý návrh.

Get lost, go away

The old man yelled at the kids playing in his yard to get lost.

You have no business here.

(Franta was quicker ;-). I was looking for examples to quote.)

Have no business to do something; have no business doing something; have no business to be doing something. The meaning is the same.

The manager found us and said to my girlfriend, “Sie haben hier nichts zu suchen” which means “you have no business being here” (…) basically, the equivalent of “get out”.

Heydrich, as architect of the “Final Solution”, had his own special plans for the Czechs: (…) In a speech in October 1941 he stated: ‘Bohemia and Moravia must become German, Czechs have no business to be here.’

You have no business here, and I want you to get out of here this instant.” “Kate, just calm down, I'm only visiting as I pass through (…)

  • If you didn't get an invitation, you've (nebo you've got) no business to be here.
  • If you didn't get an invitation, you've (nebo you've got) no business being here.
  • If you didn't get an invitation, you've (nebo you've got) no business here.
  • If you're drunk, you have (nebo you've got) no business to be driving.
  • If you're drunk, you have (nebo you've got) no business driving.
  • If you're drunk, you have (nebo you've got) no business to drive.

The YouTube expression is not the same register at all. “Tady nemáš/nemáte co dělat” is slušné. The YouTube link is foul-mouthed, you will be formally disciplined (or may even be sacked instantly for gross misconduct if they don't like your face) if you use that expression in the workplace in English-speaking cultures.


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