Děkuji za jasný kontext . V daném kontextu, kde je jasné, že mluvíte
o úmyslu do budoucna, můžete se ptát:
- Are you staying in London then?
- Are you gonna [= going to] stay in London then?
- Are you gonna [= going to] be staying in London then?
- Will you stay in London then?
- Will you be staying in London then?
- Are you planning to stay in London then?
- Do you plan to stay in London then?
- Are you intending to stay in London then?
- Do you intend to stay in London then?
- Do you think you'll stay in London then?
- Do you think you'll be staying in London then?
Hlavní větný důraz padá vždy na stay, význam je
stejný, není ani jedna verze “lepší” nebo “správnější”
než druhá.
Thanks for the clear context. In this context where it's clear [that] you're
talking about a future intention, you can ask any of the questions above. In
each case the main sentence stress falls on the syllable stay,
the meaning is the same, and no one version is “better” or “more
correct” than another here.
See Budoucí
čas and Budoucí
průběhový čas.