Help for English



She took the picture off the wall.

Je v tejto vete použité obyčajné sloveso TAKE s predložkou OFF alebo je použité frázové sloveso TAKE OFF?

Ďakujem za Váš názor.

Podle mě “off the wall” patří k sobě, OFF je tedy předložka.

I agree, it''s the ordinary verb “take” plus a preposition. “Take off” in your sentence doesn't match any of the phrasal verb definitions shown in the Oxford dictionary here.

  • She took the picture (off what?) off the wall. (Ordinary verb)
  • She took off her coat. (Phrasal verb)
  • She took the saucepan (where?) over to the sink. (OV)
  • He took over the country in a coup d'etat. (PV)
  • She took some money (out of what?) out of her purse. (OV)
  • He took his girlfriend out to dinner at a swanky restaurant. (PV)
  • She took her son (where?) to the zoo. (OV)
  • She took to (oblíbila si) her son's new girlfriend very quickly. (PV)
  • She took the ring (where?) in her hand and admired it. (OV)
  • She took her sister's child in (vzala si do péče) when her sister died. (PV)
  • He took his son (on what?) on a long bike ride. (OV)
  • The company is expanding so it's taking on more staff. (PV)


Tu je video, kde rodený kanaďan vysvetľuje, že tu ide o frázové sloveso. (čas 3:02)…bs-take-off/

Ja som s tým hneď nesúhlasila a komentároch zvádzam “urputný boj” za môj názor, že to nie je frázové sloveso.

Podle jeho životopisu se dotyčný narodil v Polsku, přestěhoval se do Kanady ve věku 7 let, když “nerozuměl ani jednomu slovu angličtiny”. Nezmiňuje se o tom, že by měl nějakou kvalifikaci TEFL/TESL, což mi v daném profesionálním kontextu připadá zvláštní.

Take the picture off the wall je ordinary verb “take” + (any suitable) preposition.

She took the picture …

  • off the wall
  • out of its packaging
  • over to the window
  • away from the bright sunlight
  • into the cellar, atd.

She took off her coat / she took her coat off je phrasal verb, nelze použít jinou předložku ve smyslu sundat si, svléknout si, odložit si.

  • She took her coat off. (Phrasal verb)
  • She took the picture the wall off.
  • What did she take her coat off?
  • She took her coat off the peg/hanger/chair (Ordinary verb + prep)
  • What did she take her coat off? The peg/hanger/cha­ir. (OV)
  • What did she take the picture off? The wall. (OV)
  • She took off her coat. (Phrasal verb)
  • What did she take off? Her coat. (Phrasal verb)
  • She took off the picture the wall.
  • What did she take off? The picture the wall.
  • What did she do with her coat? She took it off. (Phrasal verb)
  • What did she do with the picture? She took it off. (Ordinary verb, needs an object)
  • What did she do with the picture? She took it off the wall. (OV)
  • What did she do to the wall? She took the picture off it.(OV)
  • What did she do to the wall? She took it off. (OV)

I'm afraid most of the comments under that video (except yours) are misguided, plain wrong, or not written by native speakers. Sám dotyčný (zatím ?) neodpověděl.


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