Help for English

over and out


Dobrý den, dalo by se tohle použít na konci věty ve významu, že někdo už nechce pokračovat v diskuzi? Něco jako:

Mám toho dost, nejdeš nikam, tečka/konec!
You're not going anywhere, over and out!

Nikdy jsem to osobně neslyšel, ale vím, že se to používalo, když někdo chtěl ukončit konverzaci přes vysílačku. Lze to použít i v běžné mluvě, popřípadě jsou jiné alternativy? Děkuji.

Hmm, tady slovník píse převážně v radiokomunikaci… pak ještě posílám jeden odkaz, tam jsou příklady i jiného užití..

“Over and out” would certainly be understood and would sound humorous. In a certain sense it's quite apt, because it conveys the impression that a parent and child, for example, are, at the psychological level, not communicating face to face as people, but through the artificial medium of a walkie-talkie or radio messaging, as if there is some kind of communication “gap” between them.

However, most people wouldn't say it in those circumstances.

Mám toho dost, nejdeš nikam, tečka/konec!

  • I've had enough. You're not going anywhere – end of!
  • I've had enough. You're not going anywhere – end of story/discussion!
  • I've had enough. You're not going anywhere, and that's that!
  • I've had enough. You're not going anywhere, and that's final!
  • (BrE) I've had enough. You're not going anywhere – full stop!
  • (AmE) I've had enough. You're not going anywhere – period!

She is screaming into the telephone “Get me onto an airplane and get me OUT of here!!!!” Sorry, ma’m, NOTHING is flying right now, we don’t care who you are or how important you think you are, you’re not going anywhere, period.


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