Help for English

Vypovídací hodnota


Zdravím. Poradíte prosím? Díky. Kontext památník Vojna u Příbrami se nehodil pro natáčení seriálu Zdivočelá země, protože neměl vypovídací hodnotu oné doby.

V daném kontextu navrhuji třeba:

  • because it was not authentic enough for the time
  • because it was felt not to be a valid representation of the time
  • because it lacked historical validity/authen­ticity
  • because it was not representative enough of the time
  • because it did not give an accurate portrayal of conditions at the time
  • because it was not realistic enough for the conditions of the time

… podle toho, jak je to míněno.

Rád bych se zeptal Dana na výraz be very telling. Byl ve včerejším podcastu bbc global news podcast v 9. minutě o situaci v Číně. Hodil by se do daného kontextu? Díky

That is, indeed, the meaning of “telling”, but the word is used predominantly in the positive sense (something is (very) telling … mnoho (toho) vypovídá), and not in the negative sense (is/was not (very) telling …) so it isn't suitable, in my opinion, in the context of the first post (about the monument in Příbram).

Telling (…)

2. adjective

If something is telling, it shows the true nature of a person or situation.

  • It was her expression that was the most telling.
  • How a man shaves may be a telling clue to his age. (Collins)


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