Help for English

Ještě jsem TO nevzdal.


Co je prosím správně?

I haven't given it up yet.
Nebo jen: I haven't given up yet.

Nejsem si jist, zdali se v tomto spojení uvádí předmět, tedy it.

Dík a hezký den všem.

Out of context :-( : I haven't given up yet – see the Ngram.

But where “it” refers to something specific (sort of jednou provždy – once and for all) in the context, it can (but needn't) be stated, e.g.: My New Year's resolution was to give up (AmE quit) smoking, but I haven't given (it) up yet.


I've been trying to contact my long-lost cousin who emigrated to Mars in 2002, so far without success, but I haven't given it up yet.

  • What is your research about, Doctor?
  • Well, I'm trying to find a cure for human stupidity.
  • Oh, really? And how long do you think it will take?
  • I don't know. I don't think I'll ever succeed, but I haven't given it up yet.

(“Trying to find”, “trying to contact” není “jednou provždy”.)


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