Help for English

A set of policies


And ‘jakákoliv přeprava po moři‘.

But, in your last two sentences, you are still talking about road freight-forwarding in general, as well as about shipping in general.

Yes, that's right. That's why I said „you can use the articles“ (not "you must).

  • Our company carries out two main activities: it handles road freight-forwarding and shipping. The road freight- forwarding (that we deal with) is much easier than the shipping (that we deal with).
  • [Also correct with no articles] Our company carries out two main activities: it handles road freight-forwarding and shipping. Road freight-forwarding (in general) is much easier than shipping (in general).

So again, it's a subjective choice for the speaker. It depends on whether, at the moment of speaking, he thinks that he's talking about a definite kind of forwarding (the forwarding that our company handles) or whether he's talking about forwarding in general.

Oh, I get the point why it is a subjective choice at times, now. Thank you so much!


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