Help for English

1.Every day vs. Each day/2.can't see me sthing


1. Rozdiel medzi every day a Each day

*I drink tequila every day. = každý deň pondelok až nedela

*I drink tequila each day that I have to teach Norman. = znamená to niečo ako „zakaždým“?

2. Can't see me ......(Sloveso je vždy v gerundiu?)

*Nevidím sa žiť/neviem si predstaviť žiť v New Jersey. – I can't see me living in NJ.

*I can't see me dancing in front of people.


1. Every vs. each

2. Yes, in this sense, the construction always uses the -ing form. Here are some examples:

  1. Neviem si predstaviť, že by som mala byť utečenkou ( I can't imagine/see/pic­ture myself having to be/become a refugee
  2. Neviem si predstaviť, že by som to robil nejako inak ( I can't see/imagine/pic­ture myself doing it any other way
  3. Nevidím sa chodiť von len preto, aby som nafotila outfit. Nevidím sa pridávať článok každý druhý deň. ( I can't see/imagine/pic­ture myself going out just to do/get/take pictures of an outfit. I can't see/imagine/pic­ture myself posting an article every other day.

Can't see me VERBing is acceptable in casual use. Most people would say can't see myself VERBing.

Sloveso je vždy v gerundiu? …

The -ing form in „I can't see myself dancing“ is not a gerund, it's a participle – see Participium ve funkci doplňku předmětu [emsa 15.33]

  • Dance: gerund = dancing = tančení
  • Dance: participle = dancing = tančící


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