Help for English

For girls and mothers


Hi girls an mothers! Let´s write about similar interests in English! Maybe with errors ,but yet! Motto: Practice makes perfekt !

Hi Havliiva, it´s good idea to practise :-D

Umí tady někdo anglicky?

Hi GIRLS! I 12 years old and i speak Englisk well, because i am studing english about 7 years. We have very good teacher. He s name is mr. Foller. Thank you. I like fun and new people. I have supper friends and i like them. So… do you want write with me? bye bye… :)

Hi girls and mothers , Katulka ,Lentilka , Lindušák . Today was very nice day. My son fell for his classmate. All the time he calls her. Wonderful life. My daughter was successful in – hard but surely . Bye Iva

Hi girls! My name is Kamila and I am going to grammar school. I love english, because I think this language is really useful. How is everyone? :-)

Why „for girls and mothers“? :?:

hi, I´m also mother,what´s your problem with your teenagers?
Do you have any??? :oops:

Hello !
I don´t understand… :-O I learn English… But I can´t it.
Here is super !!! I want to speak English !!!!
You answered !!!

hi,I wont to speak english too,but I have anybody,who is speaking english me..nowadays I study Englisch

Hi Marybell and the others, I´m housewife for 3 months and try to study english. I like cook vegetarian food. I meet people with the same interest mostly. And my question for you.. Do you like meat and why? I´m sorry, my english isn´t good. I´ll enjoy for your answer. Have nice day. :-D

I learn English, too. I have been learning English for 10 months. I go to evening course twice per week. My daughter learns English and Spanish and my son learns English. I don´t want to be the most stupid in our family. Have a nice day! …write,write,write

Hi… so my name is Anna and I prepare to leaving exam from English… so it is difficult for me because I started to learn English only 3 years ago…
Have you nice time :)

Hi girls,how are you today???? :-D

thanks… realy good


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