Help for English

For girls and mothers


Hello girls,mothers and others. I am writing English test in the evening. I hope, it will be OK. I will be writing essay about my daughter.. And I will have oral exam on Thursday. Than I will get certificate b4.. maybe. I will write after them. Have a nice day, week and so on…

hi can you help me please?

Hi, I hope we can… What's your problem?

I´m looking for a penfriend to practise English. I´m just on maternity leave and have a little son. He is so cute! I need to keep my level of English at least. So, don´t hesitate and write me to:
I´m looking forward to your answers!!! xxx

Hi, Vitilia **** ,
I am not writing you on your e-mail, because I do have not time to keep contact regularly. I am on maternity leave as well, with my 4th child, Julie. She´s 16 months old. How old is your son?
Last June I passed the State Exam of English (basic level), but now I am wondering how I could succeed in it? I lose my English very quickly…
What means do you plan to use for keeping your level? And when finishing your ML will you need the language in a job?

PS. for Marek: It would be very useful for me if you could repair my mistakes… :oops:

Hi, Vitilia
I´m on maternity leave too. I have two daughters. And I´m looking for somebody to write me in English. Can I write you on your e-mail address?

Hi Jel!
thanks for your reaction I´m happy to see that it works! Sorry to answer so late, of course you can write me an e-mail on my address. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi cetverka,
I congratulate to your exam destipe it was last year. I also must admire you to have 4th child, I can´t imagine myself having 4 children :o … My son is now 9 months old and very vivid. What about your doughter?
Just a little note: you can repair a car but not mistakes, you have to say correct instead of repair.

Hello all girls and ladies,
I am also on ML at the moment and although I have been in contact with English for ages but recently I feel I am loosing a lot of what I used to know. My son is one year old so I am quite busy watching over him. Every day he is able to do something new and it is fun to watch him and to look at him.
To Cetverka: you have my admiration. I would like to have one more baby ASAP but cannot imagine to have more than 2 kids :-)

Hi girls and mothers,

I am at work now. :( I have one boy. May we have 3 years old and he is in the playschool :) . My english is not very well and I hope that you have very patiente with me :). My son has a very nice period. He started talking about 6 month ago . As soon as it opens the eyes, mouth not closed. :) Somethimes it is very hard, but it is child. :) And the children are our hearts. :)

hi,anybody online wanting to chat? I have just discovered these pages and think it could be fun to talk to the natives in English :-D I am mother on maternity leave with an almost 2 year old baby boy, starting his period of anger (no idea if it is the right word) but mothers will definitely understand :idea:

Hi everyone,
I´m not a mother (I hope :) ). But nothing bad to mothers. I´ve a little sister and I like looking after her. I´m a student at university (VSE) and in January 2011 I will pass state examination from IT, than some job and.. maybe a kid :) We must discuss (consider) this with my boyfriend. BTW, my boy-cousin is 2 yrs old, he is quite vivid, but so funny :)

Hi girls
I am mother of 3 children,4 yers old son and 18 months old twins (boy and gilr)So you can imagine how busy I am. :-D I am working as well but only part time.

Hi, I'm a mum od a 10-year old boy and a seven year old girl, both at school, both already have their English lessons which we prepare at home. Sounds bonckers I know. They keep me on my toes when it comes to grammar.

Hi cetverka, wow, four, you have my admiration

Hi girls
I´m mother too. I have got two children. Son is eighteen yers old and daughter is eleven. I like books.


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