Help for English

What type of conditional?


I found the sentence in my textbook and I'm unable to find out why it should be like that:

Get one scratch on the car and it's the last time I will lend it to you.

I guess it's the first conditional (the sentence is the same as: If you get one scratch on my car I won't lend it to you anymore.) What is confusing for me is that in Czech the third part of the sentence („I will lend it to you“) would be in past. So that Czechs consider that you've already lent the car when you talk about it but British WILL lend after agreeing on conditions (no scratches).

Am I right or completely wrong? :-D

Udělej na něm jeden škrábanec (imperativ) a je to naposledy (toto je naposledy – proto přítomný čas) co ti to auto kdy půjčím (the last time I WILL EVER LEND IT YOU – budoucí čas). Není to kondicionál.

Ale dá se to parafrázovat pomocí kondicionálu:
If you get one scratch on the car, I'll never lend it to you again.

Ale máš pravdu, že v češtině by se použil spíš minulý – a bude to naposledy, co jsem ti ho půjčil.

Thanks :-)

There is one more think I'm not sure about:

for example:

If you're so clever you wouldn't have locked your keys in the car.

It's one of the examples of so called mixed conditionals. I was trying to find something about it but it seems that it's not commonly used. I found it only here on but only two types and according to this site:…itional.html there are more of these conditionals.

Don't you know about some site where it's more explained?

Ano, takových kondicionálů je samozřejmě víc. Já se zaměřil na ty nejčastější dva.

Nevím, kde na internetu vysvětlují další. Doporučuju si sehnat Michaela Swana: PRACTICAL ENGLISH USAGE. Tam se myslím věnuje všem.…itional.html – maybe it will be handy for somebody


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