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The lesson should be finished - preklad.


The lesson should be finished.

Prelozime presne jak?

Hodina (uz) by mela byt ukoncena. Something like that :) „Uz“ is in parentheses, because „already“ is implied. The lesson should (already) be finished. Look what time it is – it was supposed to finish at 10.

Americanka – thank you!
And how to say correctly: „Hodina uz mela byt skoncena“ – The lesson should have been finished already? (…but it is not, it is still in progress).
Or can I say „The lesson should be finished (but it is not), let´s finish it now“. ?

Hmmm… now that you put it that it like you are the teacher and you're talking to the student (or vice versa) – you've looked at your watch and noticed what time it is, and you're saying „ok time to stop now“?

We should end the lesson now. Look what time it is. I have another lesson in 5 minutes. Meli bychom ukoncit hodinu ted.

The lesson should have ended by now. Why are they still in there? (you're standing in the hallway looking at the closed door of the classroom and commenting to someone next to you) Hodina uz by mela byt skoncena, uz je 10 hod.

Czech person help?

:? :?

Thank you so much.
Imagine this situation:
I am the teacher. I am teaching… Normally the lesson ends at 10 am. (Now it is 10:06 am.) I´ll look at my watch and say – Ohh, the lesson should be finished already!. It is 10:06 am already. You can go home, the lesson is over…

Did I use it correctly?
Ohh, the lesson should be finished already! (meant IN THE PAST) that case, you should say – Oh, the lesson should have ended already. Or: The lesson should have been over already.


Thank you so much. I love this forum. 8-)



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