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Movies I am looking forward to seeing


@Mandant: The Perks of Being A Wallflower was an awesome movie. Actually, I only watched it because it's kinda about me :-). I didn't expect much from it as I don't particulary enjoy romantic movies either but boy, was it great! Emma's American accent was good, though I could tell at times that she was just faking it. The movie I'm looking forward to most at the moment is probably “The Way, Way Back” from the director of “Little Miss Sunshine”, just because AnnaSophia Robb is in it but it seems like a fun movie nevertheless :-8.

The Conjuring: Horor/ Triller 2013

I was wondering if that movie will also be released on DVD, Blu-ray in our country and if so, when. Has any of you seen the movie in cinema?…e/tt1457767/

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Josef vložený před 11 lety

The Conjuring: Horor/ Triller 2013

I was wondering if that movie will also be released on DVD, Blu-ray in our country and if so, when. Has any of you seen the movie in cinema?…e/tt1457767/

Yes, I saw it and I would recommend this movie for everyone who loves horror movies. Btw you shouldn't wonder about releasing Blu-ray in the Czech Republic, because you can download it from many sites as full Blu-ray rip as well. It's legal, no worries.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Jiří Trávníček vložený před 11 lety

Yes, I saw it and I would recommend this movie for everyone who loves horror movies. Btw you shouldn't wonder about releasing Blu-ray in the Czech Republic, because you can download it from many sites as full Blu-ray rip as well. It's legal, no worries.

No doubt that it's legal, but it's also immoral.

I can't wait for the Hunger Games: Catching Fire which is to be released on 22 November. The book was great and the first movie was unexpectedly great, too.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty could be interesting…To prepare I watched the original movie with Danny Kaye (1947). I like good remakes…

By the way, is anyone familiar with this TV series from 60's? Was it good?…e/tt0057765/?… They're making a movie based on it, starring John Reid and Superman :-)

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Geo vložený před 11 lety

By the way, is anyone familiar with this TV series from 60's? Was it good?…e/tt0057765/?… They're making a movie based on it, starring John Reid and Superman :-)

…and Sherlock Holmes' director – a promising combination indeed ;-)

V for Vendetta is already released, but I'm going to watch in December, just before Christmas :) It's looks very well and especially man character is really interesting :)

This trailer is very nicely made:…e/tt0787474/ I hope the movie will be just as good…

The Hobit, part two. Since I was not disappointed with the first part, I'm quite jazzed to see the follow-up.

Concerning next year, it is this movie. Based on true event.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Lucka Skrčená vložený před 11 lety

I can't wait for the Hunger Games: Catching Fire which is to be released on 22 November. The book was great and the first movie was unexpectedly great, too.

Very well shot, it gave me goosebumps in places although I knew what was going to happen. 

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Lucka Skrčená vložený před 11 lety

Very well shot, it gave me goosebumps in places although I knew what was going to happen. 

I admire your determination to learn. I'm learning a few years, but without compilers can not write. I can not get further…:-(

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Geo vložený před 11 lety

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty could be interesting…To prepare I watched the original movie with Danny Kaye (1947). I like good remakes…

I've seen Walter Mitty yesterday in the theatre and enjoyed it very much! Story is completely different from the older movie but very nice. It's definitely one of those feel-good sticks.


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