JE to tam trosku chaoticke protoze se tam resi dve veci najednou, ale podle
me je to jasne. Vy tvrdite ze se cas ve wish clause naposouva (=I wish I was
an angel), oni tvridi ze jo (=I wish a had been an angel). Nicmene tohle tvrdi
jenom u wish clause, ne u dalsich unreal time kontextů.
Tohle jste cetl?
‚I wished I had been an angel‘ is also possible, but it means
something else: the reported wish is for a temporary state for that time only.
This rarely occurs in this context, but it's quite common in the context
‚I wished I had been a fly on the wall‘ [that is, an unknown eavesdropper
whose presence had no effect on the participants]. The person reporting this
wish obviously doesn't want to become a fly permanently, and the past perfect
conveys this temporary wish.