The only thing I have unclear somehow so far is why are you still tryiing to
fight with me. I just said my opinion willing to discusse about it but for
whatever reason you took it personaly and started attacking me. As long as you
are not willing to talk I am not willing to fight. I used those two as an
example how could be your vocabulary influenced by some sort of
books/movies/series and that is truth, but those were just EXAMPLES and nothing
more. Beside of that I do not expect anyone to watch only HP to improve their
Especialy when you bear in mind that statisticaly netive speakers with high
school education have their vocabulary size about 12000 words and those with
university education about 5000 more. I do not want to underestimate anyone
but if most contributors here exceeded lower threshold for native speakers it
should realy ring the bell. And please, no quarrel this time.