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Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision A)

ADVANCED Vydáno dne 09.03.2009

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze A

  1. Sara ________ when she saw her mother's new boyfriend. She hardly ever liked the men her mom went out with.

  2. The government has set up a website to help employers ________ with the requirements of the federal Worker Protection Standard.

  3. ________ late for the meeting again, my boss didn't fire me.

  4. When he was ________ at Indiana University, he fell in love with a classmate whom he later married.

  5. The first thing the new dictator did was ________ away the guns from the common people.

  6. Lake Superior is the largest lake in ________ North America.

  7. The restoration of the water ________ has improved the lives of the people, supplying potable water to the entire city.

  8. We had to tell the people, ________ had come from a great distance, that due to the singer's accident the concert had to be canceled.

  9. She ________ when he finally appeared. “I'm so sorry I'm late,” he apologized.

  10. Make sure that ________ of the same length.

  11. He had an affair with his colleague at work but broke ________ before anyone found out about it.

  12. In World War II the Jews were made ________ the Star of David on their clothing.

  13. Jean-Claude van Damme ________ in many movies lately.

  14. If it hadn't been for your advice, I ________ a terrible mistake.

  15. If only ________ a little taller! Then, I would be better with women.

Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme! , která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.

Pokračovat můžete zde:


Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision B)

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze B


Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision C)

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze C


Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision D)

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze D

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