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Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision C)

ADVANCED Vydáno dne 15.03.2009

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze C

  1. As I went through security, it ________ on me that it had probably been my last visit to that beautiful country.

  2. I was impressed when she managed to tell the joke with ________ face.

  3. What's the pass ________ in this test? – 70 per cent, I guess.

  4. ________ much she prayed, she knew the painful truth that nothing would fill the hollow that her actions created.

  5. ________ my feet that caused me the most pain. Everything else I could stand.

  6. ________ Western Europe.

  7. The Yukon Wildlife ________ is definitely a highlight of the trip, featuring ten major species of northern mammals.

  8. People refused to believe in Noah's message, for ________ reason they were destroyed by a terrible flood.

  9. If we ________ challenge Lincoln this season, we need to start training right now.

  10. The doctor said that both had a high chance of recovery but, unfortunately, ________ survived.

  11. My husband never stands ________! The other day his sister called me a skank and he just stood there!

  12. I'm looking for someone who could play Hamlet in our school play and you ________ to me by Mr Ellis.

  13. Mike felt as if he had ________ there for ages but actually it had only been a couple of minutes.

  14. I thought my question wouldn't offend anyone but now I really regret ________ it up at all.

  15. If you wish ________ about our products and services, you can use the on-line form on our website.

Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme! , která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.

Pokračovat můžete zde:


Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision A)

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze A


Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision B)

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze B


Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision D)

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze D

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