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Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision B)

ADVANCED Vydáno dne 14.03.2009

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze B

  1. Men had to defend their honor ________, otherwise they appeared weak.

  2. She deliberately picked a ________ with her husband so that she could come and stay with her mother that night.

  3. There are a lot of explanations for why we spend so much on advertising, but ________ you look at it, we spend too much.

  4. Jackie ________ Harvard University last year and she was really disappointed when she was rejected.

  5. ‘It was by perseverance ________ the snail reached the ark,’ Charles Spurgeon once said.

  6. Mount Rainier is the highest and the most hazardous volcano in ________ Cascades.

  7. The earthquake rendered the building unsuitable for ________.

  8. I've always loved math. It's the only thing ________.

  9. The new drug ________ have helped me but there were more side effects than benefits.

  10. I think her hair looked better when it was blond, but ________ way she looks stunning.

  11. When war broke ________ between Russia and Georgia over South Ossetia, some families packed their bags and set off to Tbilisi.

  12. During the Great Depression, economic need ________ women to join the labor force.

  13. She ________ the baby gently in his crib so as not to wake him up.

  14. Make sure you write down the phone number of your doctor ________ to contact them.

  15. You'd rather ________ gone, wouldn't you?

Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme! , která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.

Pokračovat můžete zde:


Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision A)

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze A


Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision C)

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze C


Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision D)

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze D

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