Vydáno dne 22.01.2022
Přehled sloves s příponou -EN, která vyjadřují změnu stavu, stupně
či intenzity.
Slovesa s příponou -en vyjadřují změnu stavu, či spíše stupně nebo intenzity. Nejčastěji se tvoří z přídavného jména:
black → blacken –
wide → widen –
rozšířit (se)
Někdy je musíme vytvořit z podstatného jména, ne z přídavného:
strong → strength
→ strengthen –
zesílit, posílit (nikoliv strong → strongen)
high → height→
heighten –
zvýšit, zvednout
Z takto vytvořených sloves lze vytvářet opět zpátky přídavná jména pomocí koncovek -ed nebo -ing.
white → whiten → whitened –
white → whiten → whitening – bělící
Uvedeme si tři skupiny těchto sloves, kde jsou slova rozdělená podle úrovně. V první skupině jsou ta základnější, ve druhé jsou slovesa pro středně pokročilé, v poslední potom ta nejpokročilejší. Pod každou skupinou naleznete příklady použití.
blacken/'blækən/ *1 | brighten/'braɪtn/ *2 | broaden/'brɔ:dn/ *3 |
darken/'dɑ:kən/ *4 | deepen/'di:pən/ *5 | harden/'hɑ:dn/ *6 |
lengthen/'leŋθən/ *7 | lighten/'laɪtn/ *8 | shorten/'ʃɔ:tn/ *9 |
soften/'sɒfn/ *10 | strengthen/'streŋθn/ *11 | thicken/'θɪkən/ *12 |
weaken/'wi:kən/ *13 | whiten/'waɪtn/ *14 | widen/'waɪdn/ *15 |
You could see where the fire blackened the ground. *16
His eyes brightened when we started talking about our trip. *17
You need to broaden the topic a little. Your essay is too short. *18
The sky darkened as the end of the day approached. *19
Our friendship was deepening every day and I didn't want to say anything that could jeopardize it. *20
‘I won't listen to this!’ his voice hardened. *21
These trousers are too long. I'll need to have them shortened. *22
Our mood lightened. Everything was going to be alright, it seemed. *23
I decided to shorten the trip by a few days. *24
Wait for the butter to soften in room temperature. *25
We need to strengthen our position on the market. *26
The sauce will thicken if you let it cool slightly. *27
Her illness had weakened her so she spent most of the day resting. *28
You can choose from a variety of whitening toothpastes. *29
His smile widened when he saw me. *30
fatten/'fætn/ *31 | flatten/'flætn/ *32 | freshen/'freʃn/ *33 |
frighten/'fraɪtn/ *34 | heighten/'haɪtn/ *35 | loosen/'lu:sn/ *36 |
moisten/'mɔɪsn/ *37 | quicken/'kwɪkən/ *38 | quieten/'kwaɪətn/ *39 |
redden/'redn/ *40 | roughen/'rʌfn/ *41 | sadden/'sædn/ *42 |
sharpen/'ʃɑ:pən/ *43 | straighten/'streɪtn/ *44 | sweeten/'swi:tn/ *45 |
tighten/'taɪtn/ *46 | toughen/'tʌfn/ *47 | worsen/'wɜ:sn/ *48 |
My grandparents fattened a pig every year and then at Christmas we would all eat it. *49
The website shows exercises to flatten the stomach. *50
The thunderstorm freshened the air. *51
The noise frightened me! *52
The assassination heightened the tension between the two countries. *53
The atmosphere slowly loosened up and everyone started having fun. *54
She stopped to moisten her lips and then went on talking. *55
My pulse quickened. *56
The storm finally quietened down and it stopped raining. *57
There were tears in her reddened eyes. *58
Tree bark usually roughens with age. *59
He was saddened over the death of his mother. *60
This crayon needs sharpening. *61
You can straighten your hair with a hair straightener. *62
I bought some sweetened whipped cream. Do you want some in your coffee? *63
Please check that the bolts are tightened properly. *64
Our school should toughen up the rules on bullying. *65
I know you love your cat, but your allergies are only going to worsen if he stays. *66
awaken/ə'weɪkən/ *67 | coarsen/'kɔ:sn/ *68 | dampen/'dæmpən/ *69 |
deaden/'dedn/ *70 | deafen/'defn/ *71 | embolden/ɪm'bəʊldən/ *72 |
hasten/'heɪsn/ *73 | hearten/'hɑ:tn/ *74 | christen/'krɪsn/ *75 |
lessen/'lesn/ *76 | liken/'laɪkən/ *77 | liven up/ˌlaɪvn'ʌp/ *78 |
madden/'mædn/ *79 | neaten/'ni:tn/ *80 | ripen/'raɪpən/ *81 |
slacken/'slækən/ *82 | smarten up/ˌsmɑ:tn'ʌp/ *83 | stiffen/'stɪfn/ *84 |
The dwarves in the mines of Moria dug too deep and awakened something ancient and terrible. *85
The long war coarsened the people. *86
We won't let the rain dampen our spirits. *87
They gave him some morphine to deaden the pain. *88
My heart stopped when I heard the deafening scream from downstairs. *89
The coach tried to embolden his team before the match. *90
It will take a few weeks and not much can be done to hasten the process. *91
We heard the heartening news that everyone was alright. *92
The priest refused to christen Angela's baby because she wasn't married. *93
Using contraception will lessen the risk of an unwanted pregnancy. *94
The speaker likened the situation to driving on an icy road. *95
I'm going to put up some posters in my room to liven it up a little. *96
Last night's football game was maddeningly boring. *97
He didn't bother to neaten his hair before he ran out of the door. *98
She ate all the tomatoes before they could fully ripen. *99
The wind was slackening but it kept on raining heavily. *100
I wear this jacket when I need to smarten myself up. *101
The dog's ears stiffened as he heard a key in the lock. *102
Takto však nelze vytvářet nová slova z jakéhokoliv přídavného jména. U většiny to nejde. Slova greenen, narrowen, cheerfullen či largen prostě neexistují. Potom musíme pro vyjádření změny stavu či stupně/intenzity použít jiné prostředky.
The dire wolf became extinct thousands of years ago. *103
The demonstration turned violent. *104
His eyes narrowed. *105
He readied himself to face his enemy. *106
My friends tried to cheer me up. *107
Please slow down. You're going too fast. *108
Can you enlarge the picture a little? *109
She would never endanger the lives of her children. *110
U některých slov se dokonce kombinují dva způsoby vyjadřování změny stavu/intenzity. Např. slovíčko oživit, zpestřit, je enliven/ɪn'laɪvn/ (kombinace předpony en- a přípony -en), nebo liven up/ˌlaɪvn'ʌp/ (kombinace přípony -en a frázové částice up).
Více se o anglických příponách dočtete v článku Suffixes – přípony (třetí část).