Help for English

srovnat, zastrkat, naskladat


Hi there, could you please help me express the following words? I need them every day and I really struggle to express them.
1. srovnat neco
1.1. clothes when you are getting dressed. Could it be „smooth“?
1.2. a picture on a wall, tins on a shelf. Could it be „align“?
2. zastrkat – a shirt in trousers. Could it be „tuck“?
3. naskladat – something in a box (blocks, toy cars…). „Nest“ seems to me a bit strange.

And one more thing I asked about some time ago but nobody knew it: obleceni na ven.

oblečení na ven – OUTDOOR CLOTHES.

obraz na zdi – ADJUST
vyrovnat něco na polici – ARRANGE
košile do kalhot, ano TUCK
to s tím narovnáním oblečení při oblékání moc nechápu… já bych asi dal straighten…

Thank you a lot.
I am not sure about the phrase OUTDOOR CLOTHES though. I mean an opposite to HOME CLOTHES. OUTDOOR CLOTHES evokes me clothes for a trapper not trousers and a jacket I'd go in the city centre. I mean context like this:
„Nevalej se tady mas na sobe obleceni na ven.“ (BTW can be VALET SE translated as LOLL?)
And with the clothes straightening I mean a situation like this:
„Podivej se na sebe jak vypadas. Jses jak utrzenej od kolotoce. Srovnej si to na sobe“
At least my grandma talked to me this way :-)

ne, outdoor clothes může být obojí.

I've been searching a bit and I'd like to consult following.
Regarding the clothing: could be used for HOME/OUTDOOR clothes the term CASUAL/SMART or does the word SMART mean just a suit or a evening dress?
Concerning to arranging something on a shelf, could be used EVEN UP as well?
And finally we haven't discussed the action of putting something (blocks, tools) in a box or restricted space side by side. (but now, when I am reading my text again it struck me: PUT IT IN THE BOX SIDE BY SIDE. This could be equal to the Czech expression NASKLADAT DO KRABICE couldn't it?

I já bych měl na téma šatů dotaz
The policeman following the robbers were in PLAIN clothes.

Předpokládám, že PLAIN v tomto smyslu znamená V CIVILU, V CIVILNÍCH ŠATECH.
Můžu v tomto smyslu použít také slovíčko CASUAL? Děkuji

u toho policajta jde o spojení „plain clothes“ – prostě kolokace – v civilu, ne v uniformě


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