Help for English

What are your favourite quotes?


To je jinak. Kdo umí, umí, kdo nic neumí, učí, a kdo neumí učit, učí tělocvik. :D

My favourite quote: „Never take life seriously. Nobody get out alive anyway :-) .“

:-D :-D Tak ten byl dobrej :-)

It's time to kick a*s and chew bubble gum… And I'm all outta gum.
Duke Nukem :)

,,Where is the piece of paper in my hand yesterday morning?!" (Miranda Priestly, TDWP)

btw imo, jen „Nobody gets alive anyway“ :)

to seqwence: Muzu poprosit o presny preklad? Nejak se do toho zamotavam :oops: .

„Never take life seriously. Nobody getS out alive anyway“
Nikdy neber život vážně. Nikdo se z něj stejně nedostane živý.
:-D :-)

Jo tak ted uz to dava smysl. :-D

rene descartes ''I think,therefore I am ''

Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all.
Sam Ewing

There was only one sincere person, but, frankly speaking, even that one was a swine.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will comes and sit softly on your shoulder… (Thoreau)

i do not know how to write this quotes in english i will write it in slovak in my native language:Dôležity nieje pad ale dopad.Padame na hubu preto aby sme znova vstali a isli dalej..thank

Movie: Lucky number sLevin

Slevin („A“) is told to kill the Rabbi's son:
A: Whose son?
B: The Rabbi's.
A: Why do they call him Rabbi?
B: ‚Cause he‘s a rabbi.
A: Who is his son?
B: Izak.
A: Izak. Hm..Izak and a rabbi…
B: Izak the fairy.
A: Why do they call him the fairy?
B: Because he is a fairy.
A: What? He has wings, he can fly, he sprinkles magic dust all over the place…
B: He's homosexual.

In the same movie:

Talk to Mr. Goodkat after he has killed the Rabbi's son having made a lot of noise:

„I hired you to do a job but it wasn't supposed to look like a job. So you took out the Izraelies, bombed down the building and now the job that was not supposed to look like a job is beginning to look very much like a job.“

English language is so beautiful, isn't it ? :-)

If you haven't seen this movie yet you simply have to do it!


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