Help for English

What's your favorite book?


Having abstained for a year or so I eagerly dived into reading books again. It's not more than a couple of days since I paid a visit to several Bookstores of Brno recklessly buying literally everything that came under my greedy hands. Miraclously, the consequences were far less severe than I had expected them to be. In fact, I feel pretty good about purchasing 5 books for prise of a medium size dinner(600,–) now. Yesterday I began reading „Alice in wonderland“ and to my great surprise I even managed to finish it that very day. Good book by the way,I strongly recommend it to anyone who haven't laid their hands upon it so far. Anyhow, I'm thinking of continuing with „the adventures of huckleberry fin“ or melville's excelent work „moby dick“. I'm yet to figure this out.

My favorite book is The Alchymist too. I´ve read all Coelho´s books but this one is realy amazing…When I was younger I liked Catcher in the ray or Little princ…Last year I´ve started to study literature so I am reading quite a lot..but Coelho´s books are full of answers for my life..

I whole-heartedly agree. ‘The Alchymist’ is an inspirational book. Seemingly a simple story about a boy following his „childish“ dream with unusual persistence, but actually a story with a very powerful message. Less known but also very interesting piece by this author is ‘By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept’. A story about a young woman who is, after 11 years, reunited with her friend from childhood (her first love). They both have changed over the years, but she feels that there is still enough love between them to live together. What she doesn't know is that he has been considering priesthood. The language of the book is beautifully poetic and the story catching.

Rebecca + Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier
I am a legend by Richard Matheson
anything vampiric by Anne Rice
Keeping You a Secret by Peters Julie Anne
Annie on my Mind by Garden Nancy **
I can´t name just one, sorry bookworm, I know :oops:**

I love reading. I like books by Agatha Christie (detective stories) or Nora Roberts (novels). :) And I like historical novels.

I like P. Coelho – The Alchemist – This is brillant story.

Hi, I love reading too. I have no a favourite book but I like more books. For exemple from Elizabeth Peters – she writes serial books – from Jules Verne – Twenty thousand miles under the sea – from Jane Austen – Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility. I read very much and almost all. But I will try to read The Alchemist by P. Coelho.

Hi, I like books written by Nicholas Evans. Maybe you know one of them by movie with Robert Redford – The Horse Whisperer. But my favorite is The Loop – in czech, of course. I have printed a few sheets from his pages :-) But I must say, I ordered The Horse Whisperer – EASY on English Books:-) The original sheets are stil very difficult for me :-)

Recently I´ve read ** A Thousand Splendid Suns ** by Khaled Hosseini. It touched me very much. Have anybody read his first book (I think ** A Kite Runner ** ?

Reading books. All my life, I haven't get the hang of reading books. However I have really tried. I've read just „Hoši od bobří řeky“ and „Obsluhoval jsou anglického krále“. It's quite tragic. I guess, I wasn't made for it, just like that. On the other hand, I am really fond of watching movies. My collection is so huge.
Films rulezz :-)

:? :?: :-D

Jak si to máme vyložit, seqwence?
Něco jako: **** přišel, popřemýšlel, zvítězil (?)

To kdybych věděl.. už si to nepamatuji, ale když myslíš :)

To bylo kvůli tomu uživatelu, který je teď už zabanovanej a jeho příspěvek je smazaný. A zpět k tématu! :) English please.

Hi, reading is my biggest passion but I can not say what the best book is for me. I like books by Paulo Coelho The Alchemist, Veronica decides to die,…)and Irvin D.Yalom, author of stories and novels related to psychotherapy. It is interesting I do not read sci-fi books in czech but I really enjoy them in english. I wanted to know the end of Harry Potter so I read it. I am going to know work of Terry Pratchett.


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