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What's your favorite book?


Ještě v souvislosti s hovorovými frázemi apod. bych vyzdvihl The Catcher in the Rye.

I've started to read The Godfather. I saw it on the DVD first, then I decided to buy a book. After I finish the book I'm gonna watch the movie again.
BTW: The Catcher in the Rye is also on my TO READ LIST :-)

I have just read a book called The Moon is Down by John Steinbeck. I liked it very much. I am going to read all the other books by him. :-)

I have just read The Picture of Dorian Gray by O. Wilde. Frankly, it was a bullshit :oops: .
Main characters say cliché after cliché like: „First you love your parents then you start to hate them and sometime you forgive them“ or „There is a fatality about good resolutions – that they are always made too late“. It is nothing more than chain of such bon mots, really. No surprising, original or innovative idea. I cannot see why is this book so famous? :?:

Hello everybody. I love reading books but during school year I haven't enough time. So i can read at least in holiday. This holiday i've read Southern Mail, Night flight and Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. I like it very much. And now my favourite book. I can't choose only one book, so I like Small prince, Laughable Loves by Milan Kundera and Babičky by Petr Šabach best.

To Lucii: I wonder if you have read all the mentioned books in english…
and the topic for discussion: Don´t you think that it's a little bit odd to read the books from czech authors in english? I have never tried it but I think there must be many things lost in translation…

I'm reading The Count of Monte Cristo. I didn't know what to expect at first because I don't usually read these kind of books. I wouldn't have been reading it if my friend hadn't bought it for me in England (well, you know, since I had suffered from concussion, I couldn't go there)

After about 100 pages of reading, the storyline really made me go on and on…and it turned out to be a great book.

Even though there are old-fashioned words every once in a while, I don't mind and keep reading it.

I've forgotten to mention it's a book of 900 pages so that might put you off. :)

Terry Pratchett´s the best! Especially Moving Pictures or Making Money…In case you like fantasy, those books are worth reading.

yeah, MOVING PICTURES has always been my fav Pratchett book.

I've just ordered Colour of Magic – the first of Discoworld ‚saga‘. It's my first Prattchet's book so I hope I'll like it.

I've just ordered Colour of Magic as well :) Check this out:

The same source, a different edition :-)

I´ve never liked the initial books of the Discworld set as much as the newer ones…But it is not bad choice for introduction, hope you´ll like it! Out of the Discworld saga, the Carpet People is also cute reading.

My first Dicworld book was SOUL MUSIC. Totally loved it. The second was WYRD SISTERS. Then I decided it was time to start at the beginning.

hi, I have a several favorite books. for example On the road by Kerouac, King rat by Clavell, Animal farm by Orwell, Catch-22 by Heller… The last named is very special, because i started read it for 8 times from begining, but i never havent read it to the end :-) At these days i read The universe in a nutshell by S.Hawking. I dont understand everything, but it`s great. :-)


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