(1) Farther (jak už bylo řečeno) = AmE, further = BrE.
Go father/further = totéž. My car broke down and wouldn't go any
(BrE) further / (AmE) farther. The year 20 BC is (BrE) further / (AmE)
farther back in time than 30 AD. Viz rozdíl v Ngramech (AmE),
(2) Far a farther nepovažujeme za siamská dvojčata.
The post office isn't far (away), if you go 100 yards (BrE) further / (AmE)
farther down the street, you're bound to see it.
(3) Jen deset minut daleko se nachází středověké město Mont Dauphin…
Only 10 minutes away (nikoliv far) is …