Subjuctive exception rule:
They are called „Sensory or Mental Image Verb Complements“
These take two kinds of complements (without using a „that“ clause).
Instead they require: the -ing participle and the base form.
(Stop beING sad and BE awesome …)
(„The Grammar Book – An ESL/EFL Teacher's Course“ by the authors,
Marianne Celce-Murcia and Diane Larsen-Freeman)
Ještě jsem získala další názor rodilého mluvčího:
The use of the subjunctive in your example expresses the feeling of awesome
as a tense-less feeling but it is also possible to put a tense to the feeling.
However it conveys a slightly different nuance and is not as common: When I get
sad I stop being sad and am awesome as apposed to When I get sad I stop being
sad and be awesome. The version with the tense implies a temporary and fake
feeling of awesome, while to „Be“ awesome sounds like it is a feeling that
is really felt and has no time limit.
… což myslím docela odpovídá reakcím, které uvádí Ezekiel.