Help for English

Phrasal Verbs Game


put through (to) – prepojit (pri telefoni konverzaci)

I'm sorry but Mrs. Smith is not here right now, can I put you though to somebody else?

fall through – nevyjít, nezdařit se (plány)

Our plans fell through due to previous disagreements. TTT

fall apart – to break because of being old or badly made TTT

Warm ingredients may cause the dough to fall apart. TTT

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od JK vložený před 13 lety

keep away from sb/sth – držet se od někoho/něčeho dál

In my book, horror movies should be kept away from children. TTT
Keep away from me! TTT

do away with

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Mandant vložený před 12 lety

fall apart – to break because of being old or badly made TTT

Warm ingredients may cause the dough to fall apart. TTT

fall back – sthahnout se, ustopit

The enemy was advancing too quickly, so the platoon sergeant had to order his men to fall back. TTT

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od tatum vložený před 12 lety

do away with

chybí nám tu příkladová věta a vysvětlení v EN nebo v CZ

come back – to return

I have to leave now, sweetheart, but I'll come back soon. TTT
Promise? TTT
Sure, honey. Go to sleep now, it's too late. TTT

come by – (NAmE) – to make a short visit to a place, in order to see somebody

Why don't you come by for a while after dinner? TTT

come out – to publicly confess that you are a homosexual

In one episode, Miranda didn't want her Mom to give a meeting party for her. She hadn't known what to do until she was advised to come out. (So, to Miranda's utter horror, a meeting party changed to a come-out party.) TTT

come about – prihodit se, stat se

I don't know how it came about, but all of a sudden I was lying on the pavement and a cluster of people had formed around me while I was out. TTT

come before sb/sth – být důležitější/ přednější než kdo/co, mít přednost před čím

He sticks to the principle “business comes before pleasure”. TTT

come off This sticker won't come off. (= pustit)

get off – vystúpiť (z dopravného prostriedku)

Wow! I've never ridden such a mind-blowing roller coaster. I don't ever want to get offTTT

nod off (informal) – zdrimnout si, usnout, klimbat

The new Mercedes S Class has a warning system that goes off when it detects that the driver is nodding off. TTT

Thanks for the hint. ;-)

go off = spustit se (o alarmu)

The alarm went off as soon as Linda opened the door, and it kept crying “Burglar, burglar!” until she tapped in a code. TTT


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