Help for English

Who's your favourite actor/actress?


Marek Vit – i do the same thing. you can also try watching the ACTOR'S STUDIO. what a great show!

for me as a person:
Audrey Hepburn
Robert Redford
Peter O'Toole
Kate Winslet
:-D **

My fav actress is Jenna Jameson.

My favourite actress is Megan Fox …and My favourite actor is Jason Statham


Well, I've my list on So let's take a look.. hmm.
1. Jim Parsons
2. Leonard Nimoy
3. William Shatner (not because of Star Trek,'cause of Boston Legal)
4. Colin Firth
5. Johnny Galecki
and the other 5 cute (I wanna say „talented“) guys :))))

Hmm, interesting..
Marek, mew – I don't understand much.. What does it mean „to like the actor as such“? As a person or just as an actor?
I think these are quite different things.
I can like an actor as a person but he can perform horribly.
I can like an actor because of the way he performs and he can be not a very nice person.
And I can also like an actor because I like his performance and I like him because of his qualities.
I don't know much about actors' private lives but I can say I like Audrey Hepburn (I have read and seen her biography).
I like Johny Depp as an actor because he can act very different roles.
I like Jackie Chan because he is very cute :-D and his stunts are witty.
I like Paul Bettany, Jeff Bridges (his Big Lebowski is gorgeous :-)) and many others.
To name a few actresses – Charlize Theron, Helen Hunt, Reese Witherspoon.

@Francie – Is that really acting? :?

Meg Ryan
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Jodie Foster
Uma Thurman
Reese Witherspoon

- Antonio Banderas (as a actor and as a person too)
- Tom Hanks
- Robert Redford (with Paul Newman)
- Louis de Funés
- Hugh Jackman
and others (for example Bud Spencer, I liked him I was a little girl)

and Czech actress and acter:
- Iva Janžurová
- Naďa Konvalinková
- Veronika Freimanová
- Jana Štěpánková
- Ivana Anderlová
- Nataša Gollová

– Vladimír Menšík
- František Němec
- Ondřej Vetchý
- Ivan Trojan
- Pavel Řezníček
(and I must remember – Jaroslav Marvan and Jindřich Plachta)

Sorry – for my long list. But I could not decide and choose less names.

I have to add some new names to my list: Emma Stone, Emily Blunt, Andrew Garfield

My Favourite actor is Neil Patrick Harris from the series How I meet your mother.. It is excellent series.. Then there Vin Diesel , NIcolas Cage


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