Help for English

How many English words do you know?


Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od honyk vložený před 13 lety

Here is another vocab test.
I did little bit worse than I'd expected but still quite o.k.

Takes about 15 mins
Recommended for B1+ level.

This test took me about 30 minutes. My vocabulary is about 6400 words.

Second time I tried to tick “a” for each question. It took 2 minutes. :o) In this case the test showed me that my vocabulary is 2800 words.

How many words must student know to be able to pass the FCE test?

So I have tried it too and my score was 9,870 words.

11,800…I sort of expected better… :-|

After a year or so, 14,000. Can't complain :)

Have you improved your English? Do you know many English words than before? I wrote my score a year ago. It was 5600 words. Today I did the test again – – and I have 10000 English word families. And you?

I took the test too, just for the fun of it. I reached 11000 words, which is a pretty bad score, I guess. As for my vocab, I seem to be stuck without being able to improve .

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od swimmer vložený před 11 lety

I took the test too, just for the fun of it. I reached 11000 words, which is a pretty bad score, I guess. As for my vocab, I seem to be stuck without being able to improve .

Exactly my problem!!! My score: 12600 but I feel terrible. I thought I would have done better.

Don't be so hard on yourselves. A quotation from the website:

Most Native English adult speakers who have taken the test fall in the range 20,000–35,000 words. And for foreign learners of English, we've found that the most common vocabulary size is from 2,500–9,000 words

4 years later and my score is 13100. I guess it's true what they say, it's going downhill after 30.


14600 Zkoušel jsem také předat thesqt zde: Výsledek byl o něco vyšší.


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