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What's your favorite book?


You can say that again.

I finished The Way of Shadows last night. Actually today. I finished it at 1:30 in the morning :)

It's a fantasy. The main character calls himself Kyler. Since his life has no point at all, he decides to become a killer. A wetboy.

Durzo Blint, a famous wetboy at that time, takes Kyler as an apprentice and teaches him all about killing. In this book there's everything I can expect from a fantasy novel: action, love, intrigue, political conspiracies, betrayal, magic…

I felt exhilaration from the beginning to the end. The only infuriation that overwhelmed me was when I finished the book, because now I have to start second sequel, The Shadow's Edge :)

The last month I finished A thousand splendid suns by
Hosseini, Khaled.
In the beginning I was a bit skeptic about the book. You know, I am not a reader of romans. But, when the first couple of pages was read, I changed my mind. I was written in such a good way so I get the whole book gobbled down in a few days.

You can really feel the author went through this, lived there, saw those people. And for me, a person used to living in such a peaceful country in compare to Afghanistan, have come to realize we should appreciate what we have and stop moaning about little things. I still find it hard to believe that that happened a couple of decades ago.

The whole book is entangled with smaller or bigger twists it keeps you in constant suspense all the time so you got to keep reading and get it done.
A must to read.

I want to read it too. You've inspired me :-)

:-) Yep, I have already noticed you added the book to-read at goodreads :-)

My favourite book is ˇBy Agtheová" German writer called I want to go with you. /Chcela by som s tebou chodiť/ It is about young girl Krista , who she have been arguing with her mother all the time, she loves David K. German pop singer. Krista slipped away from house to concert, and she met with him and she forgive her mother. I read this book twice.

My favourite book is Pride and Prejudice by written Jane Austen. It is a great love story Elizabeth Bennet and Mr.Darcy. The best person in this book is Elizabeth s mother. This book make me happy and I read it almost every year. I have no idea how many time have I read it and I m sure I ll read it again. I have never read it in english /it is so difficult to me/ but one day i ll.

Ludka7: Yeah, I know it's considered to be one of the most popular books ever and I'm going to read it in english in near future. I hear, it's not easy for reading (at least the vocabulary is said to be very extensive) but I'll take it as a challange :-)

I'm currently reading The Prince Caspian (Lewis). After that, I'm gonna take a little break to read some books written by Czech authors.

And have you ever read The Godfather by Mario Puzo ? It is absolutely gorgeous. The book is about sicily relation in sicily family, Mafia family – Corleone in New York, the main characters are Vito Corleone and Michael Corleone. According to the book is a film. The film is appreciated a lot. Vito Corleone as Marlon Brando and Michael Corleone as Al Pacino !
I reccomend the book. On every page is very interisting. I misunderstand why we don´t learn about the book in school and about the writer instead the other writer in history.

To Ludka7: I also love books written by Jane Austin and it is nice to find here a kindred spirit who reads these lovely novels too. I would recommend also Persuasion (translated into the Czech language as Anna Elliotová) and Northanger Abbey. I read them in English and it is really a bit difficult as for the vocabulary and writting style, but the original seemed to me somehow more amusing and more fascinating. No doubt it might be worth reading the Czech translation of the book and then the English version…

The Day Of The Triffids has become of my favourite books. Want to know why? I'd love to know it myself. Maybe the reason is the year it was written. When you realise it was written 60 years ago, you start to feel elated and anxious at the same time. Why elated? Because it's a tremendous post-apocalyptic story. It hits you that health is actually the most fundamental thing you have. And anxious? Well, although it was a formidable challange (lots of descriptions, few dialogs) for me to finish it, I felt anxious in the end because the book was just finished and didn't continue anymore. 5/5

Finally I got to read the first book by Khaled Hosseini The Kine Runner. Having read A Thousand Splendid Sun, I couldn't wait to read the former. Wasn't disappointed. Again it is so precisely writer, thoughtful as well as ingenious and novel. The story seems to be real with every single bit you gulf down.
If you got nothing to read on a holiday, just grab it, it won't let go.
Highly readable

could somebody recomend me which book from A. Christie start to read? It is englishbooks´s day :-)

I read only one – And Then There Were None. This book is one of the AC's bestsellers, quite catchy, not that difficult to read. I recommend it.


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