Poprosil by som o kontrolu prekladu týchto viet do angličtiny, ďakujem :
- Nesúhlasili s tým čo som povedal, ale nepovedali nič.
- Vedel som , že mala ťažký týždeň a preto som ju nechcel o nič žiadať.
- Sľúbil, že len čo príde, všetko nám vysvetlí.
- Zistil som, že som urobil závažnú chybu a bolo to dva krát.
- Vedel som, že ak neurobím tú skúšku budem musieť opakovať ročník.
- Povedali, že je škoda, že som nemohol s nimi ísť.
- They didn‘ t agree with what I had said but they said nothing.
- I knew that she had had a difficult week so that I didn‘ t want to ask her for anything.
- He promised to explain it as soon as he would come.
- I found out that I had made a serious mistake and I did it twice.
- I knew, if I failed the exam I would have to repeat the grade.
- They said it was a pity I couldn’t come with them.