Dobrý den, dostali jsme ve škole napsat esej v angličtině a jelikož mé anglické znalosti nejsou zrovna výborné, chtěla bych vás poprosit, jestli by jste mi nemohli opravit alespoň ty nejzásadnější chyby. Esej je na téme: What would you miss most if there was no electricity? My answer is a washing machine.
I have been hesitating for a long time and finally I have choosen a washing machine. I reckon, It´s really neccessary thing nowadays, because of It makes washing easier in every possible way. We had to clean all spots by hand in the past and It was stealing too much of our time. Nowadays We can just put dirty laundry in a washing machine and go away to do our hobbies. We can also say, that it saves our health in some way. We don´t have to put our hands into freezing river, which could get us cold. Another benefit is that It saves our work. We can put in washing machine bigger amount of laundry and we don´t have to wash just piece by piece. Washing lotions are also better and more sparing. We have also huge choice of washiong liquids. To sum it up. I have to say, that I´m really glad to have washing machine.
Děkuji za každou radu Tereza.