Help for English

brand make


prosím o vysvětlení rozdílu těchto slov jako značka něčeho. např. What is the make of the car?

Takto to definuje OXFORD Learner's Thesaurus

brand a type of product made by a particular company, especially a food or drink product that you might buy in a supermarket
make the name of the company that makes a particular product, especially a vehicle or machine

MAKEpoužívame vtedy, ak hovoríme o prístrojoch / autách apod. (= a particular type of car, washing machine, camera, etc:)

  • ‘If you want a really good make, go for a Nikon or a Pentax.’
  • ‘Which make of television do you prefer, Sony or Panasonic?’

BRANDpoužívame vtedy, ak hovoríme o výrobkoch ako je jedlo, pasta, maslo, cigarety apod. (= a particular type of soap, toothpaste, butter, cigarette, etc:)

  • ‘I’m tired of being told which brand of washing powder I should use.'

Len pre zaujímavosť ešte dodám aj výraz MARK:
MARK (also Mk)a model, type or version (used mainly in trade names).
TRADE NAME = obchodný názov (napr. výrobku), názov výrobku

  • ‘a Mk II Jaguar’

Ďalšie príklady:

  • Before buying a cassette recorder, I asked my friend if he could recommend a good MARK.
  • Before buying a cassette recorder, I asked my friend if he could recommend a good MAKE.
  • As for cigarettes, there are many different MARKS.
  • As for cigarettes, there are many different BRANDS.
Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Marecek vložený před 11 lety

MAKEpoužívame vtedy, ak hovoríme o prístrojoch / autách apod. (= a particular type of car, washing machine, camera, etc:)

  • ‘If you want a really good make, go for a Nikon or a Pentax.’
  • ‘Which make of television do you prefer, Sony or Panasonic?’

BRANDpoužívame vtedy, ak hovoríme o výrobkoch ako je jedlo, pasta, maslo, cigarety apod. (= a particular type of soap, toothpaste, butter, cigarette, etc:)

  • ‘I’m tired of being told which brand of washing powder I should use.'

Len pre zaujímavosť ešte dodám aj výraz MARK:
MARK (also Mk)a model, type or version (used mainly in trade names).
TRADE NAME = obchodný názov (napr. výrobku), názov výrobku

  • ‘a Mk II Jaguar’

Ďalšie príklady:

  • Before buying a cassette recorder, I asked my friend if he could recommend a good MARK.
  • Before buying a cassette recorder, I asked my friend if he could recommend a good MAKE.
  • As for cigarettes, there are many different MARKS.
  • As for cigarettes, there are many different BRANDS.

Toto je výborné! Pořád si to pletu a byl jsem líný si to vyhledat.
Teď je mi to jasné, moc dík! 


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